Phony Website

Richard fell victim to an online scam when a well-crafted fake website deceived him as he prepared for his driving test. Despite considering himself IT-savvy and not initially worried about online scams, Richard encountered trouble

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Email Fraud

Criminals gained unauthorized access to an organization’s email account, resulting in the compromise of client funds. Shortly before Christmas in 2016, Shane and Jean were in the process of selling their first home. With a

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Near Miss in Starlink IPO Share Scam

Earlier this year, Mary* contacted the Forexposed to share an unusual experience she had with a company purporting to assist her in acquiring shares in Starlink, the global satellite-based internet venture founded by Elon Musk

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Credit Card Fraud

Brandon, a 20-year-old studying Culinary Arts at DIT in Shankill, Co Dublin, shared his encounter with fraud. One day, he attempted a transaction with his card, only to have it declined. Despite knowing he had

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